Chris, I totally agree with you.
In this over cautious 21st century world we live in, it has really come to something when someone should be advised to turn their back on a waste bin fire and call 999 just in case they break their nail getting the safety pin out!!
Training is fine and perhaps the optimum in some circumstances, but what ever happened to common sense and allowing someone to determine their own personal responsibility. Have we replaced that human trait by legislation and red tape?
This thread originated from an enquiry about domestic property, and as such, the circumstances are completely different from a fire in a commercial environment. One may be happy to walk away from a fire in the office, but how many would walk away from a fire in their own home without having a go.
Yes, Yes, I know all the CFS advice and stuff about "get the FB out", but there is something deep in the psyche of humans which tends to make them protect their homes. I have been to scores of fires where punters have been injured whilst using a variety of unorthodox methods of putting the fire out which do not involve extinguishers. Would they have received such injuries if extinguishers had been available? Probably not.
The bottom line is that I reckon that, on balance, a building is safer with extinguishers - with or without trained staff - than it is without any portable FFE at all.