When it comes to a listed building being used as a hostel, does the AD B take precedents over RR(FS)O? The building was refurbished a couple of years ago and I have picked up things that are being questioned by the client. I think I know how to answer this but I want to hear it from others!
Client has a three storey block of flats. One staircase serves all flats. Flats open straight out onto the stair landings. This is the only route out of the building. No detection fitted in the stairway or the flats! No fire doors fitted to the flats! Fire on the ground floor will stop 4 other residents from leaving. The flats are used as a temporary accommodation hostel. The bins outside are against the building have been set on fire several times!
My question is, as this is clearly not a protected stairway would I be correct in recommending an external secondary means of escape?