I apologise I should have been clearer with my posting, also I have edited the first posting.
I received a question from a manufacturer of point of sale displays, in duty free areas of airports because the airport had stated the displays should meet a Class O standard. I explained that Class O originated from the Building Regulations and referred to the spread of flame characteristics of elements of structure (Walls and Ceilings) in circulation areas. It could not be applied to portable displays as I would consider them as fittings and furnishings. I gave him some references and he did some research.
He now has got back to me and wishes to include, the above passage, on any quotation / documentation where a client requests ‘Class 0’ compliance in the hope of allowing common sense to prevail if the above statement is correct.
There is obvious confusion, both Wee Brian and Kurnal proves that, so I would suggest he should revises the wording to make it clearer and not just give facts for the reader to work out the meaning. I take Kurnal’s point about the linings but the facts are not totally incorrect and with some modification I feel it would be acceptable.