The principle behind the FSO in this area is :- if the matter can be dealt with under the FSO then no condition can be attached to a license. This is the case with the Licensing Act, Care standards, ofsted and mostly the Housing Act. (There is scope for confusion I admit).
In the case of numbers for an 'alcohol' license, the RP should calculate the safe occupancy, (which may vary depending on staffing, nmber of exits available, number of floors in use, etc. The Licensing Authority has no powers to set ANY conditions, (apart from a few transitional/grandfather rights). All they can do is accept what the RP/applicant offers them unless one of the 'safety bodies' such as HSE, police or FA, request a condition be attached to a license. The FA do not do this very often because they can control all fire safety matters through the FSO.
This only works, of course, if the FA has the inspectors to check up on the licensed premises or the LA inspectors pass complaints back to them.
Wee B is right.