I did not so concede, what I said was that these areas are only not requiring development (through IPDS) if the prson did not already, or had no requirement to, know them. As to specifics from the K&U, no they aren't there, nor should they be. FOr example asking about equipment use would HAVE to mean different things in different services! The wording I gave (except in parentheses) is that of the NOS, it is the defined role of the supervisor to ensure that they apply these to their workplace. If they werre so specific as you seem to suggest then they would not be national, they would be service, or station only. It seem squite obvious to me, however, that areas such as building construction and what fire does to a structure must be covered, but the way that applies to high rises in city centres, to crofts on the outer islands, to airport terminal buildings, to MOD premises and to aircraft themselves will need to be specified by the assessor (i.e. the supervisor, CM or WM - it is explicit that this is their job, see WM 5). It is this failure to adopt the new responsibility that now sits at this role, that is the primary reason for the loss of knowledge and skill, I have asked many WMs about how they carry this out, usually with the reply that it isn't their job and even if it is, when I show them that it is, , or their ownthey do not know the Ff standards (they haven't looked at them in the last 8 years since they became THE standards). Head in sand mode. Of course while you bury your head in the sand, which is impossible to do bent over backwards, something else is exposed to the world.