Benzerari, that website is the type of result I have found during google searches, basically they are programs to solve simultaneous equations using matrices and do other operations on matrices like finding determinants etc.
I think it is more related to what you mentioned second, modelling fire growth, probabilities of fire spread and such. (Actually using matrices to solve problems, rather than solving matrices.)
John, I think the CFD one is a good example and I will also get hold of DD0000 to see if it looks like something I can use.
Thanks to both of you.
I think then your enquiry is more and purely 'research issue' rather than solving a simple 'fire model', just out of interest there are some scientific articles you may have to consult from scientific journals, but as you probably know most of the articles are not free, some times it needs membership to download them... etc
How ever as far as I am aware, researcher in fire modeling use normally differential, probability and statistics equations too, not just matrices, there are so many cases of fire modelling, depending up so many parameters and variables, i.e. the kind of material to be burnt, the quantity of oxygen available, the size of the room and its physical arrangement.... and so fourth, and a single and simple model can never determine some forms of fires, but when combining together some simple models you can achieve to certain form of a complex and computational model of real form of fire, that can predict its start, growth, and direction of spread….
Although to avoid what have been already done, a fire data handbook has already been developed to be used for fire inputs …. as I said previously one of the rare researcher and leader in fire science, who developed such fire handbook is Dr V Babrauskas, also it is better if you can get the software version of the handbook, to avoid a long and tedious calculations....
Mean while, I do believe you know what you are looking for…