I've just come across an interesting topic that i'm sure you guys can assist with.
When dealing with sleeping accommodation where there are no staff present overnight e.g. bail hostels, travel Lodge type hotels, YHA's and so forth, how do you deal with RR(FS)O compliance with Article 15 (1) (b) 'nominate a sufficient number of competent persons to implement those procedures in so far as they relate to the evacuation of relevant persons from the premises' and Article 4 (1) (a) and (f) (ii) (and as a consequence Article

- i.e. reducing the risk of fire and its spread and mitigating the effects of a fire.
The discussion has arisen following an application to open a bail hostel, for which we have yet to receive a suitable and sufficient FRA and emergency plan. It would be helpful if both FRS and fire risk assessors could contribute based upon other similar premises in their areas or those for which you have carried out the FRA.
Not wishing to use the old 6" tar brush, but the type of people using bail hostels may not be the most reliable when a fire occurs.
In particular we have concerns over identifying whether the premises have been evacuated at 0200 in the morning and identifying how many people are currently in residence.