I've just got back from Sri Lanka. The place is swarming with all the big NGO's and Armies. We met the UN (UNICEF), The Red Cross, MSF as saw many armies there in force. There is a lot of politics at play out there, Sri Lanka for example is in the middle of a civil war and in many regards it seems like help is not always appreciated (we had to lie our way through military road blocks to get aid through and NGO's declined our initial offers of help.) However at the same time the situation is not always well managed, we met lots of people who had received no visits, we met about 100 people living in a makeshift shelter with 1 days food left and met doctors who had visited camps with no toilets.
One member of our team was a Red Cross qualified rescuer, but it was clear that there was no rescuing to be done there, those skills were needed immediatly after the event. The buildings that collapsed that I saw were mostly simple buildings and I suspect that local people did the rescusing immediatly themselves.
The main problems we encountered on our mission were political, trust and paperwork. As we were self funded, we were able to avoid most of the bullsh*t.