My only enquiry about BS5839 is that when about they will make it so simple to be read and understood. It gives me headache when reading it, some times it seems to me there are long repetitive words and sentences just to say the same thing, i.e. why stating a long paragraph just to say the MCP should be fitted 1.4m above the floor, it seems to me that it can be re-written in more technical way with more tables, drawings, using many colors and less words and paragraphs.
I am not whether sure about what I am saying does make sense to the readers or only me feeling that, when reading the printout of BS5839...,
I remember when studding technical drawing in the late 80s in high school, we used to use a simple technical data book which gives in a simple way the dimensions of any required mechanical pieces: screws, washers, pinions, bearings,…etc and also all required formulas…etc
Fortunately some generous members in this forum can answer just what is needed, when I get stacked
Thanks God