This has been bugging me for a while, We use these quite a lot on larger installs.
Are they compliant with BS?? As far as I'm aware they don't report a fault condition to the panel, unlike the XP95 equivalent.
I found a faulty one today during a sounder test, just didn't sound at all, no fault on the control panel..
Any one have any ideas??
The ancillary base sounder must be installed under a detector. To physically 'remove' it from the circuit would also require removing the detector which will obviously bring up a 'fault' condition. This is the best you will get.
Is this good enough monitoring? Well imagine installing an electronic sounder (non-addressable) on to a standard monitored sounder circuit - If someone removed it and then reconnected the wires to the circuit you wouldn't be any the wiser. No different from the ancillary sounder.
As for actual reporting of the device not working, this is no different, again, in comparison to a normal sounder. The first you know it's not working is when you physically test it and you can't hear it.
Therefore it is my opinion that the Apollo ancillary base sounder meets BS recommendations equally well as a standard (non-addressable) sounder.
If you want a 'better' loop-powered sounder then choose the Integrated Base Sounder. This has voume control, group addressing and a self-testing facility although, of course it uses an extra address (whereas the ancilary doesn't) and it doesn't cost much morethan the ancillary!