Colin, so I was spot on with my assessment of your probable worry-levels over this issue.
Even though you admit it was all your fault that it was reduced to 24 hours!
Just how blase can you be about matters that so many people hold so dear to their hearts! - Bless 'em.
I sympathise with your worries over other matters.
I can't help you with the Kennedy mysteries, but that geezer in the film did actually kill that girl using his compressed air gun.
With one less thing now to worry about, can you please amend the BS recommendation immediately to now read 'the standby duty of the battery should be 24 hours longer than any circumstance whatsoever that MAY happen whenever (this includes annual staff holidays), and which might possibly affect the charging of the battery, no matter how long that period may be, or indeed, how large a capacity the battery that may be required, in the event, no matter how unlikely, that something might occur plus be able to operate the full alarm load for a further 31 mins (I've added the extra minute as a safety margin, but please adjust this margin as you see fit)
That should do it.