Jokar, I refute the suggestion that David understands BS7273 just because he recognises a Salamander as a Cat A device! This demonstrates he may understand a small part of it! Even I understand a small part of it!
I've never spoken to anyone (apart from Mr Todd) who claims to even understand even 75% of it. Where are the experts? Are you one of these? If so, can you provide a summary of the important parts of BS7273 and how to apply them to systems on these forums? We, the unknowing, would all be most grateful!
One of the small parts both David and I are aware of is regarding the modification of BS5839 detector spacings, that you now mention. I had already mentioned it on my first post on this thread and in previous posts on the forum. Unfortunately, this is just a small part of a very confusing document! Furthermore, have you noticed the bit towards the end that basically says some things recommended in it might soon need to be ignored because of impending new related standards? What a waste of paper and busy people's time and money!