I am a Fire Safety Advisor for a Hospital Foundation Trust. Most, if not all, Fire Safety Advisors are on Band 6 of the Agenda For Change payscales.
Doing little research into what other Fire Safety Advisors were paid, I accepted this post as Band 5.
Now, NHS payscales also have increments, and depending on previous experience is what increment you start on (I did 27 years in the Fire Service with 15 years experience in a Fire Safety Department, including working in hospitals). These increments go up to the next level after each year in post
I was started on band 5 increment 1 but I managed to get it up to 3.
Now after advice from other FSA's I have been told that I should be on at least increment 6, and after putting in this request my line manager and Human Resources both agreed this in principal, but would have to get the ok off the Chief Exec...who refused due to the hospitals financial situation
It's probably partly my fault for not researching the payscales before accepting the post, but also my line manager knew what the last FSA was earning but tried to save a few bob and if he would have paid me the correct rate initially, none of this crap would have happened
I'm thinking of chucking it in....mainly out of pig headed principal
I can't help thinking that i'm cutting of my nose to spite my face
sorry for this drivel...I should have better things to do with my day off!