There seems to be much scaremongering here. It is easy to make up theoretical stories where due to DRA crews are not committed to a building to save lives. But, I fully believe, the boys and girls on the red lorries, given a fire with persons reported, would be straight in there, doing what they all joined up and are trained to do, with the full approval of the OIC as it is what he/she joined up for too. How many times per year do you see it reported in the paper that some firefighter(s) risked their life and saved someone? Probably none apart from a small section of the local paper. The results of the X Factor and the behaviour of our MP's and celebrities seems to be far more newsworthy.
With regards empty properties, how would any of you react if the OIC sent your son/daughter into the building and they got killed or injured for nothing. Would you think that is what they signed up for, or would you be condemning the behaviour of the OIC? Atherton-on-Stour is a prime example. Some people were quick to condemn the decision to send firefighters in, well before any facts of the case had been proven. Had the OIC not sent anyone into the building and just let it burn down, there would have been no casualties, but in absence of the knowledge of what could have happened, people would have taken the same line of moaning as has appeared here. "They/we don't fight fires any more.. Blah blah blah."
Who is that aimed at Civvy? The thrust of most of the comments made on the thread isn't about scaremongering at all.
There is no point commiting crews needlessly into a burning building as you suggest and no one is arguing any differently.
What we are concerned about is red tape and needless beaurocracy that prevents firefighters doing their job effectively .
Imagine your son or daughter drowning but crews standing watching saying "sorry we aren't allowed to go in to rescue them - we have to await water rescue teams which are 15 mins away"
One of the brigades I served with had a truly first class water rescue team - but it was 30 minuites away from my station area even on blue lights. What use is that?
Ok in real life the fact is the firefighters probably would go in to save a person drowning but they risk landing up on disciplinary charges for doing so REGARDLESS of the outcome, and that is worrying thing.
DRA should allow flexibility for crews and their commanders to take
calculated risk based on what they find when they turn up. The system in its current form doesn't allow for that, and it is becoming a huge problem Civvy. Its not scaremongering it is exactly for the reason you said second line in on your post about lads and lasses do everything possible to save a saveable life everytime. We arent talking about racing into a fire without considering the risks, we are saying where there is any chance at all of helping save a life then we MUST be allowed to do so without fear of reprisal from Senior Management.
On the point of the Atherton on Stour job you mention it is widely reported that fire crews were told that people were still inside the building and that is why firefighters went in wearing BA.