I agree with Wee Brian here, and consider it a non starter for all the reasons mentioned.
I know wee brian is a man of few words but I do not think he was saying the idea is a non starter he was saying compulsory registration is a non starter and the aim is a common industry standard in selecting a consultant which many of us will agree with.
Tom you are so right compulsory registration is a non-starter. An industry standard is what is needed, how do you get an industry standard? You use a British standard!
Kurnal I love your attitude; it's ok to break the speed limit by 15 miles an hour if you risk assess it out. My attitude is that 30 is the limit and if it is foggy I’ll drive slower and if it is dark and raining I’ll drive slower. That’s the risk assessment as the limit is set! I know that some times the limit isn't allways achievable but as an assessor you have to have the skills to at least indentify the limit in the first palce.
ABBE level 3 is the training model as it is Ofqual approved and has surveillance and mentoring for the new risk assessor.
So if you are a practicing risk assessor you can get certificated by a 17024 scheme for competence and if you want to become a risk assessor you do an NVQ or Ofqual approved course; the reason being they are all government approved and not industry approved. The reason industry can't set the test is they look after their own interests and not the RPs interests. If you had a gas fire to install you used a CORGI fitter and if you didn't you knew it was wrong, FULL STOP! Thats what we need in the frie risk assessor industry a one stop shop.
The IFE has to take a look at the wider picture, as they are very very inward looking, they could in one quick act accept a BS standard of competence assessment but that is as likely as Katie price winning ‘I’m a celebrity…. ‘
Kurnal what do you use on a daily basis to make judgements against? I’ll give you a clue it starts with B and has an S with a series of numbers at the end.
Why should the IFE and FIA try to reinvent the wheel when it is already been done and they could do the same as FRACS or could they?
Don't try to make it too complicated as that won't work and don't make it so simple that 100% of applicants get on. If it was 40% of people who didn't get FRACS certification then thats a good thing isn't it? I think you will find that the IFE register has about the same rate of failure but the IFSM register has a much higher acceptance rate.