I have no expertise whatsoever in operational fire-fighting tactics, or the management thereof, (and when I read of cases like this and that of the mine shaft incident in Strathclyde, I am glad enough about that).
However, I am interested in expert witness evidence, particularly after the Cadburys v ADT case, in which the judge said he could not rely on the evidence of the key expert witnesses and then went on to name and criticise each one individually.
In this case, both the prosecution and defence called expert witnesses, whose duty was to assist the Court and could not be advocates for either side's position. I am sure that they would have fulfilled their obligations in that respect.
Nevertheless, I have been unable to find much about the thrust of the evidence of each expert witness, other than snippets in the BBC reports.
Could anyone with no axe to grind give a simple, objective and uncontentious overview of the position of each of the experts, as presented to the Court (while obviously not commenting on the outcome of the case). This is purely academic interest, and it will no doubt be discussed at many a conference, but I would have liked to understand more than I currently do.
Kurnal, is it alright for someone with the requistte knowledge to do this here?