Hi Retty
Ok there haven’t been fatalities in schools in the UK thankfully, from fire. However schools regularly suffer from fire. Arson is a huge problem within them. I agree with Chris, we should expect the highest & safest standards within them. Also I have seen many times the effect of a school fire yes everyone got out or it was out of hours, coursework destroyed, portfolios of work gone for ever & hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage caused.
To then hear the argument that when did you last hear of a child dying in a school fire strikes me as at least flippant & at worst willfully ignorant of the special fire problems schools suffer from.
I’d love to hear of a parent who would willingly send there child to a school that was deemed to be unsafe in the event of a fire & I certainly wouldn’t want to be the person stood in a coroners court explaining why I allowed a relaxation from the guidance in place on schools.