New guide for small sleeping accommodation now out for Scotland, see link also
28 June 2010
Dear Chief Officer
Fire Safety in Small Bed and Breakfast and Self-Catering Accommodation.
You will be aware that in late 2008 concerns were raised with Ministers about the fire safety guidance for small bed and breakfast and self-catering accommodation. As a consequence Dear Chief Officer (Scotland) Letter 4/2008 advised Chief Officers that the benchmarks in the guidance document ‘Practical Fire Safety Guidance for Small Premises Providing Sleeping Accommodation’ (small guide) were suspended for this particular type of premises. Fire and rescue services were also recommended to reschedule their routine audit and enforcement activity in this sector until such time as the revised guidance was available.
I am writing to advise you that new guidance for properties, defined within its scope, was published today. A copy can be downloaded using the following link and is in the process of being added to the Fire Law website. An appropriate amendment will also now be made to the scope of the small guide.
This new guidance is issued by Scottish Ministers under Section 61(2) of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005, as amended, and fire and rescue services are required to take into account the contents of this guide to assist in determining the advice to provide dutyholders and whether enforcement action may be necessary. Chief Officers’ are therefore asked to make fire safety enforcement officers aware of the contents of this letter
Steps are being taken by the Scottish Government to publicise the new guidance through a press release and through national tourism and other organisations such as the Federation of Small Businesses, Business Gateway, and Healthy Working Lives. You will wish to consider if there are any steps that can be taken locally by your Service to make dutyholders aware of the new guidance.
Yours faithfully
Graeme Fraser