Sorry Mr P I missed this thread. EVC systems are covered by BS5839-9. The testing and maintenance recommendations are similar to fire alarms and can be summarised as follows:
Daily testing by the user
If the location of the master station is such that the audible fault warning signal
could go unnoticed for longer than 24 h, al check should be carried out each day to confirm that
either the equipment indicates normal operation or that any fault indication is receiving necessary
attention. This inspection need not be recorded.
Weekly testing by the user
Each week, an outstation should be operated. It should be confirmed that the call is correctly received at the master station. As with fire alarms a different outstation should be used at the time of every weekly test, so that all outstations in the building are tested in rotation. The result of the weekly test and the details of the outstation used should be recorded.
Monthly attention by the user
Additional tests on power supplies should be carried out where automatic generators and vented batteries are used to power the system, similar to fire alarms
Quarterly inspection of vented batteries
As per fire alarms
Six-monthly inspection and test of the system
The following work should be carried out by a competent person every six months.
Operate each outstation to check for correct operation and clear intelligible speech.
Check all outstations remain unobstructed and conspicuous.
Batteries and their connections should be examined and load tested, including special tests on vented batteries.
The functions of the master station should be checked.
• All controls and visual indicators at the master station should be checked for correct operation.and any optional functions of the control and indicating equipment should be tested.
• All fault indicators should be checked, where practicable, by simulation of fault conditions.
• All further checks and tests recommended by the manufacturer of the EVC system should be carried out.
• On completion of the work, any outstanding defects should be reported to the responsible person and a certificate of servicing issued.