Hi civvy
thanks for your reply
thought the written description was ok meself

...but you are right without seeing it it's probably a struggle
yep again an L2 would be expected in sleeping risk...quite right!
and again you are correct "most of the places our crews will visit today will not have had a fire before"...27 years in the job will back your statement out...now back to the nitty gritty
If there was a fire in the entrance area and it went up staircase A to the first floor...it would not affect the second floor MOE as Staircase B which runs from second floor to ground is seperated from it by FR....
..and for that reason I can't see why a second MOE on the second floor through a bedroom and down an external is necessary. The second floor has a perfectly adequate protected internal stair...albeit it does not exit direct to outside...you go via a protected corridor
The TD from the 'dead end' accommodating the two bedrooms, is from the inside the bedrooms (no access rooms) and through a protected corridor to an external exit...
so again unsure why the disused rear exit is needed
clear as mud?

just seen your reply Kurnal...I wouldn't be fussed about leaving the external escape through the second floor bedroom...just curious why it was asked for in the first place tis all...and no I wouldn't ask for it if it was new
the first floor is served by two staircases to ground floor....but one is open so if a fire started in the ground floor entrance then it could spread to first floor...but the other stair from the first floor is protected by a fire door at it's head.
The occupants of the first floor, if they aint quick at waking up with the alarms could be in difficulty...as they would have to pass the head of this big open stair to reach the other stairway and as civvy said...not good...
Having said that...that would also be the case for the people in the rooms in the ground floor entrance...they would have to negotiate a face full of smoke or worse.....but that is the same for most flats ....am I rambling

Its the exit route that is now disused at the ground floor rear that will cost to bring it back into use and I can't work out why it was asked for
oh well thanks for replying...I need a pint