I agree entirely with Tom, there is no objective data to test the effectiveness of the legislation. I have said consistently that you have to have valid statistics to monitor and determine. We have all known for years how useless historical data is about cause, incidence and effect as recorded by FR1. Whatever happened to the improvements promised in this system.
The latest statistic is that 95% of incidence is unrecorded because these fires are extinguished by portable extinguishers. Where is the objective information and evidence to support this declaration? So we must be doing something right even if it is only extinguisher familiarisation and training...thats if we can believe this number.?
We are all working on assumption, based on the sum of knowledge,information and training. As an industry and because the consequence of fire is so horrific historically there is a tendancy to knee jerk over single incidence, jump to conclusion based on subjective information. Seek headline and go hunting for someone to blame. As with Rosepark, Kings Cross, Isle of Man, Buncefield, etc etc etc the inquest always show a combination of system failure some criminal some negligent, some just coincidence but all, with the exception of arson caused by basic human error based on an incorrect assumption. However the loss of life even with arson is normally associated with a combination of system failure which conspire to change it from an incident to a tragedy.
Just to come to the defence of CLG, the competent employees may well declare that they had done there own risk assessment, declared the strategy, building components, fire safety arrangements and management totally suitable and sufficient to meet the risk matrix....The only thing they didn't do was document this and substantiate the view. This is an offence but all the objectives of the legislation have been met. No fire and no loss of life.
I have an impression , I can make the assumption,that recently it seems that fires in HMO's is on the increase. Why would I jump to this conclusion? If it is true what are the causes? Where can I go for consolidated current detailed information?
I have no evidence other than my own current knowledge which would suggest arson is the major risk and that managers of organisations require training. The law is fine and working.
Essex Fire Service Safety Partnership at Essex Fire Authority Service Headquarters made over £500,000 offering gudance and assistance in these matters so implementation is strong in Essex.