NT I think there are two different examples of shooting from the hip common on this forum.
We all post here for our own reasons, for some entirely for altruistic reasons, for some its social and for some it is commercial. For me its a genuine mix of all three.
Some of us on the forum are rather quick on the draw to answer queries from posters, often the advice is intended to be helpful, sometimes its great advice and sometimes if you read individual postings the advice is not good or complete. Generally there are sufficient contributors to maintain a reasonable balance of good advice. For me I assume that anyone who takes free advice from a public forum do so in full knowledge of its limitations. If you ask someone in a pub for advice you take the answer with a pinch of salt.
"Hey Bill, what did you say you gave that dog of yours when it took sick the other day?"
" Bill, I gave mine some turpentine today and it died"
"So did mine"
Then there are others who choose to use the forum in a different way, whose policy it is to rarely offer direct advice to posters but are always quick in their criticism of others. Thats the other kind of shooting from the hip.
To me all are welcome and its all part of life's rich tapestry. If I put my head over the parapet I expect someone to have a snipe. Thanks to all for your valued contributions to the forum. It all prompts good debate.