You are over complicating the matter
If you are going to have an interlinked smoke detector then you dont need the interlinked heat detector simple as that, and in which case a delayed activation function should not be entertained for a "sleeping risk" scenario anyway. So either interlinked smoke or interlinked heat, but not both.
If you choose an interlinked smoke you risk getting false alarms, if for example you have an apartment or bedsit with cooking facilities.
That is why interlinked heat detectors are utlisied with stand alone smoke detection for localised protection.
The standalone smoke detector will hopefully rouse the family in your scenario if a fire were to occur, just as an interlinked one would.
Your argument that smoke detectors react quicker than heat detection is quite true - but either have one or the other linked to the communal fire alarm, don't have both. There is no point.