I was worried that you would not respond Eli or whoever you are and that the constant publicity for PAS 79 would go down the stack, but I should have known you would not let me down and that you were just on your hols, so thanks for the further publicity
There is no such thing as bad publicity; as the say
The DCLG guide does not say look in the yellow pages
This is off the communities’ web site “You may feel more comfortable employing a fire safety specialist to help you. Companies providing fire safety services are listed in local directories. Alternatively you may be able to ask your insurer for a recommendation” not exactly top advice. Look in the yellow pages! (Please note other local directories are available)
Its a bit like your reference to PAS 79 not saying anything about your favourite CB and about it making an alleged constant reference to BAFE
Post amended to ‘special mention’. In the foreword (not part of the PAS folks!) I think you will find that quite a few people noticed this too and have commented on this aspect of PAS 79 either through the public consultation method or via a direct letter to BSI. But like the letters of complaint last time I am sure they will be ignored.
It is all based on your jaundiced misconception, but sadly is misinformation that you spread
By ‘jaundiced’ you mean different to your opinion and one that obviously no one else shares. National register anyone? Our survey says yes 2 to 1 in favor; but Colin ...he say NO
Remind me how many fire risk assessments you have actually carried out by the way
Thwack! Nail on the head.
None, nada, zero, zilch, but if the RP followed the PAS and IFE advice I would get work as a fire risk assessor tomorrow no difficult questions asked! On paper I have IFE approved training, IFSM approved training, 4 years in fire safety, CPD hours by the bucket full. I am even an advanced fire door installer and have a certificate to prove it.
However if the RP completed a proper due diligence on me, with a step by step approach (as suggested in the RP guidance document draft) I wouldn’t get appointed by anyone. Thus a cowboy would be out of work. It really is that simple, apart from some of the cowboys are actually in trade associations, so that would never do.
Things have moved on since 2006 and the advice you wrote then needs updating to reflect the difficulties we now know an RP faces when appointing a competent person. To help the RP get it right a more structured and graphic approach is needed.