I would go along with Dave Bev, there is a need to be somehwat better prepared but we are always happy to help if we can. I use the hand to teach the ICS 5 span of control and was doing just that in an ICS Q&A session last night at one of my retained stations. It isn't important for the Ffs to know, a nice to know. They are expected to underatnd all the surcoat colours and what the roles will be doing at the incident, only having to demonstrate competence in the Command Support role at Ff level.
I would expect my Ffs (after 12 months) to be able to demonstrate pratical skills in ladders, basic knots/lines, pumps, hose, BA, BAECO, hazmats and decontam, RTC, casualty care, comms, command support and the use/location of every piece of equipment carried on their appliance/at their station. I would expect good knowledge of operational procedures and service policies pertaining to them (such as sickness, pay). I would expect some technical knowledge, but information such as the tirfor you ask elsewhere, is not relevant as long as they know how to operate it and safety matters. After all can you tell me how much that car you are going to pull weighs? You should know how to use it, how to test it, what it can do (pull/lift), what its limitations are (it will shear the safety pins if too much weight is attempted) and what saferty precautions you would apply when using it. I would be asking very generic questions whilst observing the practical skill demonstration to check understanding and not a sit down interview. Hopefully that is the way yours goes, but to emphasies Dave's point the day befor eis a tad late to think about it!
Anyway all the best and please ask for any help you want on here, or again as Dave says from the rep body. We do try and be helpful but help us too by giving warning!
I also think that your FRS should be doing something more to support you rather than having to rely on us, what is your Station /Group Manager [or StnO/ADO/DO in old money], not to mention your own WM [SubO] doing? I go out of my way to develop my staff and hope to be available to support ham, if they wrre in this situation I am sure they would have no hesistation in contacting me personally.
SM with 6 retained stations I am responsible for, presently T/GM district strategic manager but oversee the T/SM and a SM Fire safety so I do speak with experience