Retters, there is hope for you yet. Sometimes you talk a lot of sense, though your promise of food and wine at Retty Towers never materialises.
Kurnal, will you please put that main jet away, as you are drenching the place with water. I keep telling you there is no fire. Return to home station, play a game of pool and go to bed. Most of your surmising is way off beam. I go on holiday to America every August. I heard of this matter on the last day of a holiday in America when I logged on to the office server to check what chaos the English fire and rescue service had been causing during my absence. I have had two holidays in America since then and have booked a third.
Willie/Jock R look at it this way, if an enforcement action is generic application of guidance with no suggestion that there are any particular circumstances of a case taken into account, a determination on that action, albeit case specific has major implications for both the matter in question and prescriptive application of guidance in general. But like the telephone, television, copper wire, tarmacadam, sportsmanship in football, penicillin, deep fried Mars bars and Stornoway black pudding, Scotland led the way with a determination that guidance is just guidance and is not a minimum stndard or one that should ever be applied prescriptively.