All leading to call challenging and false alarm charges and I'm personally ok with this. The F&RS can't keep attending 230,000 false alarms due to apparatus and still maintain the same level of service!
It's about time the professional fire alarm industry got behind this and supported the CFOA policy rather than the views of certain bodies which seeks to justify under performance.
We must be the only country in Western Europe that doesn't have a strict policy on charging, ensuring that only registered and approved companies provide life saving services. It might also mean that certain manufacturers may have to up their technology game and stop "peddling" their wares to anybody that wants to fit it regardless of their skills, experience, qualifications etc.....
I overheard a conversation last week between a certain manufacturers representative and an end user along the lines of "oh so your responsible for all my false alarms". response - "we only make it, we don't tell people where to fit it!"............CLASSIC
Sunday rant over - must calm down before going back to work