The new edition of HTM05-01 specifically addresses issues that are common in the NHS which includes a general confusion of policy and procedures, a silo management structure, insular fire safety activity, and a lack of co-ordinated monitoring and audit.
The role of Authorising Engineer (Fire) has been clarified further than the previous version of the guidance to specifically address the issues identified and provide a more robust fire safety monitoring and audit regime.
As for advising on the appointment of the Authorised Person (Fire), the role of the AE is really providing technical capability to the recruitment panel where an AP is being appointed. In rare circumstances the AE may be asked to comment upon the incumbent AP and their capabilities.
I act as an AE for a number of trusts and my involvement could be anything from a quick piece of advice, assisting in recruitment, carrying out a fire safety audit to establishing the full fire safety management system complete with policy, protocols, training needs analysis, training syllabuses etc.