We took the trouble to pepper the 2013 edition of BS 5839-1 with additional references to the need for a zone plan. This was in response to the findings of the Sheriff Principal in the Rosepark FAI. Might be nice if people took some notice of it.
Dave with regard to your reference to red lorries not attending AFAs, you need to get out more. Your erstwhile employer still go (albeit scattering invoices like confetti). Could I also suggest a holiday in Scotland, rather than Arenal or whatever, as you would learn that the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service NEVER fail to respond to an AFA in any premises or at any time of day or night. The SFRS have this strange ethos of wanting to protect life and property. From where they get the strange concept that this is a role for a fire and rescue service goodness only knows. I assume its not from talking to chief officers in some English services. If Scotland does not take your fancy try NI or wales, where the policies mirror those of Scotland. Bring on devolution for England. (Hope this post meets your expectation of the description of obnoxious and annoying which on another bulletin board, you once attributed to some people as their view of me. You will be pleased to know that I have that framed and in my study, as I wear the badge with pride (second only to my SNP badge), coming from one of LFB's finest.)