Morning all,
I have visited (on other business - not an fire risk assessment) a (non sleeping) building recently that has a poroteted main staircase, a spiral staircase, and a 2nd staircase that leads to a garage/loading bay (which is used to storage all kinds of fire risks - batteries, heat guns and electrical charging equipment, flammables and so on). Taking into account travel distances, the fact the the occupants are familuar with the building, the amount of early warning, compartmenalisation and occupant training, can there be every a case for making use of this garage as a means of escape? I ask becasue there is a protected stair case and a spriral staircase (that leads directly to a fire exit door) as alternative (is there ever a case for making use of a protected spiral starcase a means of escape, for able bodied people) - so there are aways aleternative routes. I wonder if such an environment (the garage) would be concidered a meduim risk or a high risk (like a commercial kitchen), which would clearly affect if it could be used as a fire exit route.
I can email a plan should any one be interested in having a look.
Thought/comments on a post card - your sage advise would be most welcome.