Yes Fishy but many of my clubs are small, open perhaps only once or twice a week and often staffed by volunteers or people on a very low wage. Staff turnover is often extremely high. Take one football club. Open on Wednesday and Saturday only. One part-time member of staff. If he can't turn up then the secretary has to phone around to get a replacement, someone's son or daughter who is looking for a few extra quid. Maybe 40 or 50 patrons. I imagine that if an incipient fire was discovered, someone, drunk or sober, might attempt to tackle it. Whether they tackle it or not, fire risk assessment is about saving lives. I see no point in forcing these small clubs in to providing fire extinguisher training to staff who may be there for such short periods. Framing a strategy around a simple instruction of immediate alert and evacuate is to me reasonable.
We have not had a single fatality or serious injury as a result of an accidental fire in a private members club as far as any of us can ascertain in over twenty years.
Yes to fire extinguisher training, of course I see the merits, but horses for courses!