CIBSE Guide M (Maintenance engineering and management) is the most often-used bible. Quoted economic lifespans for cables are 35 years for MI & Thermoset cables; 30 years for thermoplastic. The same document quotes an economic life for the fire alarm panels themselves as 15 years, so entirely feasible that you could use cable existing that's half-way through its economic life, in good functional and physical condition, fixed and positioned compliant with BS 5839-1 and reasonably expect it to last the life of the new panel.
As Basco says, environmental conditions can have a huge impact (e.g. UV degradation, oil & chemical contamination, movement/vibration etc, etc), so (for example) be very critical about retaining cable exposed to external conditions.
With a modern, compliant fire alarm system it should fail safe (to a reasonable extent), so the risk with non-replacement is reduced reliability & availability until an offending cable fault can be identified, traced & rectified. How manageable that might be will vary from premises to premises.