Looking forward to retiring, I am considering entering the seedy world of commercial fire safety. Yes I know many on here will despair at the thought of another know-it-all ex LA FSO (subsidised by his meagre pension) entering the game, but I still have to feed the family and keep the taxman happy.
I reckon that my (by then) 32 years experience in a LA Fire Brigade may help me do the job, but perhaps will not be enough to give me the status of competent person when it comes to performing RAs etc. Therefore I am considering enhancing my experience (& CV) by seeking a basic recognised fire safety or H&S course.
So what should I aim for? A Neebosh or IFE course or something else?. If so which one?
(lack of) Money and time are issues and I don't want a hugely complex fire engineering course. Just something that will allow me to survive in the murky world of commercial fire safety, which appears to be full of nasty preditors such as me old mate Mr Todd (No offence Colin!)