Prohibit all non essential maintenance works, prohibit any hot work (except that essential for the fire alarm installation), where possible postpone uneccessary meetings or training especially those where vistors would be on site.
Have alternative means of cascading alarms - horns/whistles have local effect, but in larger premises rented walkie talkies or a pager system may be needed to ensure the alarm can be spread.
Extra staffing/security for fire patrols, and all wardens to complete and return an end of day FP list to log closing of doors & windows, bin emptying, appliance shutdown and no known signs of smoke.
A risk reduction list from one building where the alarm failed included-
No hot works of any type to be carried out
Avoid/postpone works that involve combustibles either directly (e.g. paint/solvent/thinners) or indirectly (sawdust through joinery works)
No portable heaters, be they radiant, convection or naked flame to be used
No introduction or use of substances that are highly or extremely flammable
Extra trips to be made to the main bins to avoid build up of combustible waste inside the building.
No use of cookers, especially hobs with pans
Avoid activities that involve bringing large numbers of people unfamiliar with the building or In vulnerable groups (very old, very young, disabled) inside the premises, or nominate additional staff as wardens/escorts
Postpone all works in isolated areas such as plant rooms or vacant areas except those in themselves essential for safety purposes and where essential ensure a robust communications system is in place.
Last person to leave demises to ensure all items are switched off where possible, all doors are shut and there are no signs of fire – preferably to be documented and also at least 15 minutes after normal work has ceased
Increased security vigilance to reduce likelihood of arson