Yup ADB 2007 treats Sheltered accom like flats. OK it's 30 mins for low rise (5m tall).
That's the same as flats. 30 mins in anything taller would be crazy for flats let alone sheltered accom.
I'm not being sarcastic either (I know that makes a change) we seem to be talking at cross purposes and this is important. That's why this forum is so useful.
I do get things right occassionally
To compound this even further if you look at the RRO guides here is what they say:-
The Sleeping Accomodation Guide states that it covers "the common areas of sheltered accomodation where care is not provided" (p4 Introduction)
The Residential Care Guide States : The guide is not intended for use in Sheltered Accomodation where no care is provided (p4 Introduction)
Both infer that in sheltered accomodation where care is provided then higher standards are required.
Again everyones thoughts would be most welcome
My thoughts are simple. It is residential care on the cheap.
I am of course talking about care organisations that pose as sheltered schemes, and whom provide direct care staff.The ones that don't IMHO still need to consider their residents and how they can assist them during a fire especially if the flats are rented and not occupier owned. There is absolutely no way in the world thirty minutes fire resistance offers enough protection for a stayput policy for bed bound residents, no way whatsoever. Retty / Val I notice those people who claimed you were a commie and trying to regulate the world have all of a sudden gone very quiet. That in itself speaks volumes.
Sheletred should mean sheltered not very sheltered not very very sheltered. Any existing residents who have detiorated presents a minefield legally as afterall it is their home, and I would never wish to take anyone out of their own home.But that isnt an excuse to leave people in danger and i think people need to get real on this. These arent single domestic dwellings and therefore for the protection of bed bound residents from other the common areas and party walls I think should all be 60 minutes FR because other residents may pose a risk to them.