Nope you can stay weekends and most people do, TRUST me you dont want to miss the weekends in Yarm.
Ok its Mon-Friday except for week 6 which is Mon-Thurs, Friday, you spend an hour getting your results then its all over.
Parade in the morning, kit must be spotless, ironed, shoes polished, after the 1st week you dont have to do this, but for week one you do it every morning.
Brekkie/Lunch/Dinner all laid on, and its good food, have a big brekkie, a light lunch and a big evening meal, especially on Tuesdays! Do not have the semolina, you have been warned.
Morrissons supermarket is just up the road, there is a pizza place that delivers to the bar, dont fly up, drive, it will give you loads more freedom.
If you stay the weekends, get into Newcastle for the night, get a travel lodge and enjoy! ;-)
Week one is basic firemanship, hydrants/ladders etc
Week two I cant remember!
Week three is Aircraft Construction (death by powerpoint)
Week four is BA
Week five is first aid
Week 6 is fireground week and tests/exams
At the end of every week there is a written exam, at the end of the BA week there is also an oral and practical don and start up test as well as a test on the BA board ECO etc.
The final oral exam is a test on all 6 weeks, but it is NOTHING to worry about, unless you are seriously stupid you will not fail this course.
On a serious note spend 1 hour every day going through your noted/revising, get together with the other lads/lasses and do some Q&A every night too. Do not spend the whole of the evening stressing about the exams and the final oral, get an hour's work done then get to the bar and have a beer, or get into Yarm.
Tuesday nights = YARM/BEER/LADIES do not miss out, even in week 6, its a great chance to let your hair down.
Black Bull first, then 11pm into the Cross Keys/Claggy Mat.
Listen to the instructors, work hard and revise little and often, dont cram for 5 hours on the last day, do an hour every night, trust me.
You will love it, by the end of the 1st week it will be like home!
Any questions email me