Sorry airds but theres no reliable information on this. To be honest much of the data is very broad and most small fires are not investigated thoroughly to give a definitive response. See Ricardos post above- thats as good as it gets.
Kurnal, your posts have always been courteous and measured and I would not wish to offend in return, but most of the examples you give relate to, shall we say, the less careful sectors of the public. B&B operators in general have a better standard of housekeeping and equipment maintenance these days, non-smoking is virtually universal and owners usually vigilant on this. Unsavoury guests will not be accommodated. Candles etc. would not be allowed and incompetent cooking incidents are extremely unlikely. Maintenance standards are high. So the risk of a fire starting in such premises is extremely slight, probably much lower than either the average dwelling or a larger hotel etc. Now I accept that, however small, some risk of a fire starting may exist, so we come to the means of warning and escape. Even a battery operated smoke detector in a hallway will give an early warning of the onset of a fire (as I know from personal experience - I had a house fire caused by a faulty freezer). In the typical small B&B escape distances are short, so the chances of anyone being trapped are also very low. The combination of a very low risk of fire coupled with even basic smoke detection and short escape distances can be assessed by a duty-holder as adequate under empirical FRA guidelines. So why is the demand for smoke detection and half-hour fire doors to all rooms leading on to an escape route being made in so many such cases, as I am given to understand?
Further to this, would it not have been good practice for the fire service to analyse their reporting of causes etc. of fire so as to identify as far as possible the actual causes in more detail, so that issues like whether plug-ins are a risk could be determined? Or whether modern TVs actually do spontaneously combust occasionally while on stand-by, or whether this refers to older models? If this had been done and the information made available, then people could avoid the risks. The service is quick to criticise, but has not, with respect, put its own house in order in all areas.
I am looking through the statistics that Ricardo has provided, however, to see what picture they give and may venture a comment on that later.