Hi All,
I note that the ADB states that a roof void above a fire resisting ceiling can be up to 30m (section 9.10c), whilst 20m is allowed in non fire resisting ceilings (table 13).
However, it also states in section 8.22 that compartment walls used to form a separated part of a building should run the full height of the building in a continuous vertical plane.
When applying this to a block of flats this seems to indicate that walls which compartment flats from each other and from the common areas should be extended into the roof void (up to the underside of the roof).
I have seen many roof voids accessed via common areas which are not vertically compartmented from the areas above the flats. Would you apply the 20/30m guidance in this case, or recommend that compartmentation is upgraded (very difficult I would assume - I understand that cavity barriers are not adequate as an 'extension' of compartment walls into a roof void). Or would your view be that if the roof void is well managed in a low risk building (secure, no storage etc, retrospective compartmentation would not be necessary).
I would appreciate any views on this.