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General Interest / Re: FRA Accreditation/Cert/Register costs
« Last post by AnthonyB on January 15, 2025, 10:00:46 PM »
BAFE will be ?2k or ?3k (or more if you have loads of staff) initially then you will drop at least ?1k a year keeping it.
General Interest / FRA Accreditation/Cert/Register costs
« Last post by Karissa on January 15, 2025, 06:06:56 PM »
Hi all
I'm trying to compare the costs for joining the various fire risk assessor registers/accreditation/cert schemes, but the costs tend to be hidden or difficult to find. Does anyone have the recent costs for them all?

IFE register ?780.80 application ?547.53 annual fee
IFSM ?102 membership fee ?66/?250/?600 application ?70 annual fee (+?250 every three years)
BAFE SP205 ??

Thanks :)
Technical Advice / Heritage Buildings
« Last post by bevfs on January 02, 2025, 11:32:18 AM »
Morning all
Heritage doors in  regency period  building circa early 1820's
looking for any evidence of "self closing -type devices" fitted to heritage doorsets to improve the compartmentation in a heritage building, or alternative solutions .If there is any past reports published on such matters where the importance of fire compartmentation has outweighed the importance of heritage protection

any info would be welcomed
Q & A / Re: En 50133 and fire alarms releasing access doors
« Last post by AnthonyB on December 10, 2024, 08:27:26 PM »
I've answered on
Q & A / En 50133 and fire alarms releasing access doors
« Last post by alonso on December 10, 2024, 07:00:07 PM »
Anyone got anything definite on en50133 and the need for fire alarms to release external doors? We used to have double pole green breakglasses inside and no link from the fire alarm to release external doors as it was judged a security risk. (Fire alarms could release internal doors only) We've been told that due to a new revision of en 50133 we now have to have fire alarms releasing the external doors. Anyone got an excerpt of en50133 I could quote from regarding this? A specific clause relating to this topic?

Fire related queries from non specialists / Re: Final Exit
« Last post by clio222 on November 29, 2024, 11:56:15 PM »
Thanks AnthonyB much appreciated
Fire related queries from non specialists / Re: Final Exit
« Last post by AnthonyB on November 29, 2024, 10:24:58 PM »
I see you've corrected your own post - it is commercial. As the only escape route at the bottom of what is probably quite a tall stair I would think you would need to keep it sterile
Fire related queries from non specialists / Re: Final Exit
« Last post by clio222 on November 29, 2024, 07:39:19 AM »
Hi AnthonyB, thank you for taking time to reply, the Building in question is an Air Traffic Control Tower. Thoughts ?.

My humble apologies the Building is Commercial (Typo)
Fire related queries from non specialists / Re: Final Exit
« Last post by AnthonyB on November 28, 2024, 09:11:42 PM »
By non commercial do you mean a block of flats? Scottish Fire Safety legislation doesn't apply to these areas unlike England & Wales beyond maintaining fire service facilities, being covered by older general tenement legislation such as The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 - however there is good guidance on managed use of common areas here, based on the England & Wales guidance
Fire related queries from non specialists / Final Exit
« Last post by clio222 on November 28, 2024, 03:37:36 PM »
Hi all looking for some guidance/ advice if possible. The question is in relation to a request to put 2 small furnished chairs at the bottom of a tall commercial building ( Foyer / entrance). The means of escape is single and you would need to pass through this foyer/entrance in the event of a fire. The premises is well maintained/ managed throughout, with security entrance and fire risk within this area I would regard as extremely low. I have always expressed no item should be within a means of escape. The furnishings would be fire rated and not in close proximity to block escape. Am I being overly strict in relation to Fire Safety if I don?t allow. Premises is in Scotland, not sure if that makes any difference, however if the consensus is no would be good to cross reference to appropriate Legislation. As always comments much appreciated.
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