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Fire Safety / Re: long corridor
« Last post by Dinnertime Dave on April 04, 2023, 06:36:43 PM »
I?m not saying you have got this system, but something to be aware of
Fire Safety / Re: long corridor
« Last post by mosh on April 03, 2023, 01:01:23 PM »
These are windows with actuators.

I don't believe there are sprinkler systems within the flats.
Fire Safety / Re: long corridor
« Last post by AnthonyB on April 02, 2023, 09:52:34 PM »
Are they natural shafts or mechanical extract? Or just windows with actuators

I've seen extended corridors with single stair/exit where two would be required if using ADB for design where the fire engineers modelled a compliant solution by sprinkler protecting the flats and replacing the usual natural ventilation of the corridor with powered extract and make up air.

Worked well on the simulation, less so when the block had a fire and the fans failed!
Fire Safety / long corridor
« Last post by mosh on April 02, 2023, 12:41:13 PM »

I have come across a three-storey block of flats, with an extended ground-floor, containing 19 flats in a single corridor. There is only 1 means of escape and the distance from the most distant flat to the corridor fire door at the other end is approx 30m (plus approx another 10m from there to the exit).
There are 3 AOVs within the corridor - one near each end, and one in the middle.
There do not seem to be escape windows from the flats.
The building employs a Stay Put procedure.
Would the fact that there are so many AOVs mitigate the length of the corridor?

Q & A / occupancy -travel distance -door opening inwards
« Last post by maria anna on April 02, 2023, 08:07:10 AM »
Hi, All :)

Could anyone answer a few of my questions? please -I got myself completely confused. ???

I'm writing an assessment  for my fire NVQ 3
unfortunately English is not my first language, therefore I do question myself sometimes.....
the first question is about the door opening inwards -max occupancy of 60 peoples
if the room got more than one door and some of the doors open inwards and some outwards, does this rule of 60 max apply? or does this rule only apply when the room got only one door and they open inwards?
the second question is about travel distance
for example  for the care home total travel distance in one direction I 8 meters and 18 for more than one direction
The 18m travel distance typically comprises 8  within the bedroom and 10 m within the corridor is that correct?

Thank You for taking the time to read this

Fire Safety / Re: Inner inner room
« Last post by Dinnertime Dave on March 29, 2023, 11:08:12 PM »
There are plenty of inner inner rooms out there. Radio studios, laboratories and cash offices to name just three.
Welcome to our new members / Hi!
« Last post by Eyeball222 on March 29, 2023, 08:46:37 AM »
Morning/Evening to you ALL,
After 2 Decades on the Pumps with Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, I'm now learning the Dark Arts courtesy of Colin Todd and his merry crew.
I'm still with Scottish Fire as an FSEO and also looking to do my IFE.

Any hints, tips, pointers, interesting articles would be appreciated as every day is a school day.

Kind Regards
Fire Safety / Re: Inner inner room
« Last post by Messy on March 28, 2023, 09:12:49 AM »
This looks like a set up in a lab I was involved with where multiple lobbies were installed to control a positive pressure differential between the labs and the rest of the building. It was further complicated by a computer controlled door entry system that in 'working' mode, controlled the door locking mechanisms to ensure the doors wouldn't open until pressures were equalised. (like a canal lock gate).

The local fire safety enforcement team were a bit grumpy as they saw the plans as an inner, inner, inner room and were having little panic attacks which also resulted in a bit of professional deafness - in that they were not interested in the use of the space, any mitigations in place or any other matter. It was a triple inner room and its not happening. They also didnt like that we wouldn't let them in to view the lab for technical reasons

The strategy I compiled looked at the rationale as to why in the fire safety world inner/inner rooms are seen as high risk - ie a fire developing unseen to those in the deepest room. Then I introduced the fact we had AFD in each room and aspirating SD in the false ceiling and raised floor voids, plus overrides on each door-set that would allow escape regardless of the ambient air pressures.

The testing of the AFD was more onerous than BS 5839, we promised (but TBH rarely achieved!) 4 x fire drills per annum and introduced a policy that where detection fails in a lab, it will not be occupied  There were three identical labs and the AFD was arranged so each space was on a separate system so a fault in one, wouldn't take all 3 labs out of use. In the very unlikely circumstances that all 3 AFD systems failed, extra staff would be employed as fire watchers for the duration of the use of the one single lab.

So it was my view the MoE was protected adequately my both infrastructure and management systems - and the enforcement team reluctantly agreed

It seems like the biggest difference between my scenario and yours is that we had numerous sterile lobbies with no storage and only lighting, & door entry equipment as ignition sources. So when justifying you gowning area, you may have to show mitigation such as reducing the amount of PPE stored there or the time it is stored there etc.

Good luck
Fire Safety / Re: Inner inner room
« Last post by Karissa on March 28, 2023, 07:27:43 AM »
Thanks Messy

A single small room (7.5m x 5.5m) is being turned into a clean room which consists of a gowning room entrance, leading into a workspace, with another workspace off that workspace. It is labs type work, there is full AFD in all rooms, around 2-4 people in total, the main issue might be travel distance due to the layout as you could be right next to the door into the corridor but you've got to go all the way round. I can make the travel distance over 18m if I measure a very long way round. Travel distance unlikely to be less than 12m. I've attached a plan layout to help explain

Edit plan not to scale  :D
Fire Safety / Re: Inner inner room
« Last post by Messy on March 27, 2023, 04:34:07 PM »
I have risk assessed them out in the past, but only in truly exceptional and low risk situations

Can you give a bit more info re the circumstances?
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