Author Topic: Beds, beds, beds!  (Read 65991 times)

Offline Goodsparks

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« Reply #60 on: September 01, 2007, 01:14:51 PM »
I don`t disagree that there are flaws with the RRO, and these will need to be worked out for it to be fully effective. We now have a chance to do something different, a move away from the priscriptive, legislation thats been imposed for the last 30 odd years, those who wish to do something more imaginitive / pragmatic with their fire safety arangements, now have a chance. Its far from perfect at the moment, but its here.


Offline BB

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« Reply #61 on: September 01, 2007, 11:55:20 PM »
me thinks you are in the wrong topic area goodsparks. try Q & A as this refers to the new FSO
Save a little money each month and at the end of the year you'll be surprised at how little you have :)

Offline G

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« Reply #62 on: September 01, 2007, 11:58:27 PM »
Quote from: BB
Recently heard through the grape vine that the chief of one of the big Met. brigades following a visit on station noticed that the soical club had purchased comfy sofas for personnel to sit in whilst on their breaks.
The chief has ordered the removal of these comfy sofas as he thinks that the crews will possibly close their eyes and fall asleep whilst sitting in them.

Hasn't he got anything better to do than goose step around fire stations with his yard stick. These CFO's and their puppets or is it muppets need to get real and deal with the important issues within their brigades.
I've never known a time when those in charge are so detached from the reality of the Fire Brigade.

They're so far up politicians arses, they must need a surgeon to get them out for air.

Evil vindictive pen pushers, who could'nt take charge on an incident if it walked into their office and presented itself via a powerpoint presentation.

But when you have wet rags like the FOA and the RFU curling up at their feet, what can we really expect?

Offline Big A

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« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2007, 12:21:12 PM »
Quote from: London
The trial of these silly 'chairs' is due to commence in Wallington (London) very shortly. Needless to say they will be resisted at every stage. Interestingly the LFEPA is allowing the standard (paid for years ago) Beds to stay alongside the new silly chairs.

If everyone reported back pain and went sick at some stage the silly chairs (and they're silly costs) could be consinged to history where they belong.

This is on the whim of one overweight right wing member of the authority (wanabe MP) who is currently banned from driving, any guesses?
An update: This trial has now begun. The entire watch reported sick with various back and neck problems after their second night duty.

Offline Pip

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« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2007, 03:14:10 PM »
Might of been better to do a 'drip  drip' effect rather than all in one go.I expect the trial will now be moved to another station.

Offline G

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« Reply #65 on: September 08, 2007, 04:44:35 PM »
Quote from: Big A
An update: This trial has now begun. The entire watch reported sick with various back and neck problems after their second night duty.
Excellent. :)

It's now a case of maintaining the momentum. These silly chairs are a complete waste of time and money, whilst the clowns who purport to be the LFEPA are shutting stations and reducing the staffing levels, suddenly we find nearly a million quid to replace tried and tested rest beds?

Feckin unbelievable.

Offline G

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« Reply #66 on: September 08, 2007, 04:49:58 PM »
Quote from: Pip
Might of been better to do a 'drip  drip' effect rather than all in one go.I expect the trial will now be moved to another station.
I see where you are coming from Pip. But it reverts back to the old saying of United we stand, divided we fall.

The whole plan is nothing but revenge from a certain overweight Tory member of the LFEPA, who seems to be universaly hated by people both within and outside of the authority. A man who manages to spend £10'000 of tax payers money, because he's a dangerous driver who lost his license. You could'nt make it up.

Lets hope the whole idea, excusing the pun, is put to bed once and for all.

Offline Monkey nuts

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« Reply #67 on: September 10, 2007, 01:21:14 PM »
In our brigade we work 2-2-3. 14 Hour nights and 10 hour days.
We were 'blessed' with the reclining chairs a while ago in our brigade.
What a waste of tax payers money. £450 each!!! for a chair which i have trouble sitting on, never mind resting on.

Yes, £450 each! for a chair which is uncomfortable, not fit for purpose and gives you a back ache after 5 minutes use.

In the few months we have had them I am yet to see anybody use them.

Offline firelawmac

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« Reply #68 on: September 10, 2007, 11:11:52 PM »
stop moaning, if you dont like it find another job!!! Try the NHS where nurses actually have to work on nights!!!! or failing that try any factory fitting widgets or something for 12hrs!! you firefighters really dont know you are born!!!! complaning because your employer has bought you comfy chairs to sit on all night!!!! whatever next????
'si vis pacem, para - bellum'

Offline Kaiser

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« Reply #69 on: September 11, 2007, 11:18:05 PM »
Quote from: firelawmac
stop moaning, if you dont like it find another job!!! Try the NHS where nurses actually have to work on nights!!!! or failing that try any factory fitting widgets or something for 12hrs!! you firefighters really dont know you are born!!!! complaning because your employer has bought you comfy chairs to sit on all night!!!! whatever next????
Hmmmm......  maybe if you wound your neck in a little bit you would notice that the complaints are about the huge waste of tax payers money in order to put something in place that isn't necessary.  We have stations  which have a minimum of 9 people working overnight, this is a waste of over £4000 per station.  A decent bed would cost a quarter of this amount and allow better rest.  If the firefighters wasted this amount of money without just cause, we would probably be suspended from duty, yet when politicians do this in order to be spiteful, or so called fire service managers do it in order to get a bit further up the chief's backside, it is deemed to be money well spent.
I can only shake my head at plonkers that make statements like "Get another job".

The firefighter is always ready to do what is required of him or her at any time, they are willing to place themselves in extreme danger in order to save the life of people they may or may not know regardless of their background or history.  We offer no judgement when we get to work, only 100% professionalism throughout our time dealing with the incidents and the aftermath of the incident.  I personally have been shot at, threatened with knives, bricked and all in the name of helping others.  Firefighting isn't just a job, it takes courage, skill stamina, fitness and a will to do the right thing for all people, always. So when I hear the "If you don't like it , get another job" crap, I know that the idiot writing it has no idea what it means to feel how I feel about my job.  They have no idea how the lack of sleep can affect the ability to make sound, life saving decisions which require seconds to make and possibly a lifetime to justify if tiredness has affected your decision making process. (by the way this is a medically proven effect of tiredness)

It's amazing how many times I've heard the "Nurses work all night and don't get any rest" speech, my wife works in a major hospital and I know full well that this isn't 100% true.  The other comparison is that they save lives too whilst working....... this is very true, but they aren't EXPECTED  to place their own life in dangerous situations as a part of their routine duties, firefighters are and this is why it is vital that they are awake and not half asleep because they've spent half the night trying to stay awake for staying awakes sake.

Finally, I hope that when you need the fire service, the people who come to your aid are rested and ready to help you in any way they can because even idiots are treated fairly by firefighters, regardless of what the idiots have said about them.
Malo Mori Quam Foed Ari

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« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2007, 03:26:30 AM »
Hear Hear, well said.

Midland Retty

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« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2007, 09:35:02 AM »
This is more a case of "moaning" about the needless and stupid costs involved with those pointless chairs.

Our Brigade rambles on about trying to save money (turning off light switches, not washing cars at station, cutting down on heating and electric bills etc ) which I have no problem with, but then it goes and buys expensive chairs which really are hideously uncomfortable, is building a new HQ with state of the art air conditioning systems (they wouldnt put air con within our offices depsite the temp often going above 26 degrees C in the summer would you believe, because apparently it isn't environmentally friendly and is not energy efficient).

The chairs are a complete and utter waste of tax payers cash. So firelawmac thats what we are "moaning" about

My partner is a nurse at the local A&E dept. I dont for one minuite argue that nurses work extremely hard - we all know they do an amazing job. But they do get breaks and Id also point out theyve always got lots to do which keeps their mind active.

Firefighters can go through quiet periods at night waiting for a call out.

Firefighters cant drill at night, yes we do classroom based training, routine checks and cleaning but that doesnt last for 15 hours solid!

So the dead time therefore could be best used for rest. Firelawmac you really should try wearing BA in an arduous hot environment - if youre not rested and fit it significantly reduces your performance and its not good enough when someone's life is at risk to say " oooer sorry i dont feel fit enough"- I expect that if my family was in trouble the fire service would rescue them no matter what - just as i expect the NHS to treat anyone in my family who was seriously ill and do everything the could to save life, no matter what.

Rant over. Returning to home station from off the ceiling

Offline firelawmac

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« Reply #72 on: September 12, 2007, 03:05:22 PM »
Glad I have stimulated a response,

Firstly i dont for one moment think that the average Firefighter on the ground cares a jott about saving money or wasting resorces etc, secondly the loss of beds on fire stations is obviously a sore point because down time meant sleep time after a certain time at night, which allowed for a financialy productive day off between nights! and as regards to the comments about ' you really should try wearing BA in an arduous hot environment -' well i have, i was a firefighter in a busy metropolitan brigade for 20 years wore in the days without flash hoods and composite cylinders so that one is wasted!!!, changes came ... I didnt like it, so I got another job! simple.... I didnt degrade my self by trying to justify what was an 'Easy lob' as a firefighter, I certainly didnt drop to the point where i would let off a tyrade of insults to strangers who have expressed there opinion on a public forum. From the outside the public opinion is that firefighters are really just disgruntled whingers 95% of the time, which is unfortunate because the other 5% of the time when they are saving life they love em!!
'si vis pacem, para - bellum'

Midland Retty

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« Reply #73 on: September 12, 2007, 04:36:12 PM »
If i have offended or insulted you then I apologise that wasn't my intention Firelawmac

Just pointing out that a lot of us can see shameful waste in terms of money in the brigade these days as is the case Im sure with other public organisations.

I wont argue on the point about firemen giving a jot about saving cash before - youre probably right (either thru blissful ignorance or on purpose) - but now they've been told to watch what they are doing and save costs this issue has understandably made them stop and think.

I also wont argue about your opinions on the rest issue -  your opinion and thats fine.

We're mereley asking why did they get rid of beds, then spend such a lot of money on these silly chairs which are reported to be not just uncomfortable but in some cases potentially a H&S risk only to then be told that they we can now sleep on them.

Either say "right no sleeping whatsoever end of story" or "yes you can sleep can provide suitable facilities!" Please one thing or another, Id be happy with that but lets not waste cash and change our mind every five minutes!

Surely you can understand that argument !

Im not pretening for one second this is the hardest job in the world, there are of course more demanding and stressful jobs out there, but not everyone can or would leave the job because they are disgruntled.

Chris Houston

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« Reply #74 on: September 13, 2007, 08:22:45 PM »
Ladies and Gents,

Keep it civalised, don't call each other names.  I've deleted the threads that did so and a couple of short ones in between (otherwise it would read like rubbish) the "scabs" and "idiots" name calling is what I'm talking about.

Purely from a personal advice point of view, your arguments are more likely to win others over if you stick to the facts and avoid the assumptions about what others may or may not have exeperienced in their lifes.