Exactly Mike.
Now pt essex where is your evidence? Please detail exactly how many times your appliance fails to turn out within the 5 minutes, due solely to the slow response of RDS staff delayed by traffic. Delays due to being too far from the station, in the bath, car not starting, alerter not activating etc are not to be included. Then detail the total number of calls (so as to include those where the appliance did turn out within time), so that we cab gauge the true extent of the problem. Also please explain why the Essex plans were rejected and by whom, normally the planning process is local council run (s a district) and not central government (except after appeals to district - so they must already have rejected). The PFI is not the ONLY route, the FRA can build without this, but it offers a route to funding that may not be immediately available. The government vet these schemes for value. So again it would be the FRA that would have to demonstrate this, not the government. So I ask you again, why blame the government when this is a local issue, why not ask these questions and appoint he blame at the door of your FRA? It was really interesting that you originally noted the involvement of the local ADO in recruiting people who lived beyond the required travel time, to get enough people in. Well was that the government's fault? No it was his. Recruitment of RDS is a difficult issue, but the problems created (if they are actually demonstrated through the statistics you need to provide us with) are ones of the FRAs own making and they need to look at them.
By the way, as you seem so keen to promote the 'bad government' line and others have great ideas about what they should be doing, have any of you read their report into the RDS system? Might be a good idea if you did, then you may note their support for the duty system and that some of the ideas thrown up here are already there. You might also wish to examine just how much your FRA has done to implement the recommendations that are within their responsibility.