Unlike so many on these boards who want to demonstrate their good and pragmatic advice with only half the facts, I do not give opinions on premises I do not know. It is very very DANGEROUS for those who lack caution in giving advice and those who are wreckless enough to take it.
What is necessary is what arises from a competent risk asessment specific to the premises and all relevant factors, which questions on a bulletin board cannot possibly ever specify. If you are not happy with the one you have, question the fire risk assessor and ask for the action plan to be justified. If you are still not happy, ask the fire and rescue service for advice.
The best advice I can give you is that you should seek advice from someone who has visited the premises. There are NO premises in the land of higher risk than medium sized care homes at night. What you are doing (perhaps with your heart in the right place if you really are the maintenance man) is, in effect, asking people down the pub, who you do not know and cannot judge in terms of THEIR competence, for advice on fire safety of vulnerable people, who are potentially at risk from fire. They deserve better. If it all goes wrong, as has happened in care homes, a defence of " I did not know, so I asked some geezers who I do not know and whose competence I cannot judge, what they thought" is not one enshrined in the Fire Safety Order.